Time has flown since our recce in October, but here we are in December! The sunrise that greeted us when we arrived at the British Film Institute, Southbank yesterday was nothing short of magnificent! An auspicious start to a great day!
We were commissioned by BFI's Head of Education Mark Reid to film the LATE conference. We arrived early to set up in National Theatre 3; using three professional HD Cameras and sound, linked to our Atem vision mixer. This was connected to Vision Control in a nearby space where the multi-cam stream was directed and overseen.
When I say we were commissioned, it's worth pausing to say it was actually our e2e Crew who were commissioned! A group of young people who we have worked with for a long time, now an integral part of e2e - the original crew who form the roots of our children's TV Production Company. Attending seven different secondary schools across Bexley, our crew are aged from 11 - 16 and we are developing a brand new way of approaching TV & Film Production that has never been done before.
Our e2e Crew have been trained in a green screen studio and control room. They have completed the content for their Bronze Arts Award by helping to support learning at our TV Production Club this term and more recently have had various chances to take their skills out on location, to film events in the community.
Our team are used to working across two locations, using talkback to communicate. Our Directors and Production Assistant kept the stream looking professional, making sure the cuts were relevant and being the 'eyes' for our camera operators so they knew when their camera was live. They worked seamlessly with our vision mixers to produce a high quality multi camera stream.
‘Well done, amazing work!’ So pleased with how it turned out. The sight of the young people running the show was so powerful." Mark Reid, Head of Education, British Film Institute
end2end TV is pushing the limits in technology & learning by doing; giving young people real life TV Production experiences that are showing children CAN do absolutely incredible things when given an opportunity!

From L-R: Mark Reid, Peter Barrett, Lorraine Smith, the e2e Crew, the organisers of the LATE conference
Thank you to the London Association for the Teaching of English and the British Film Institute for this amazing opportunity. Together we shared a vision and achieved something new. We couldn't be prouder of our team. They may be young, but they are technically brilliant and together are showing what teamwork is all about.
** Thanks also to Curtis & Jess, who whilst aren't in the group picture, were very much a part of our BFI team. **