Studio-Fix is Hurstmere School's internal record label led by their musician in residence, Andy Gilbert. It’s been running for many years now & offers pupils the opportunity to write & record original songs in their dedicated recording studio at Hurstmere. end2end TV has really enjoyed working with them over the Summer Term on a variety of projects.
One of our collaborations was to produce a music video for a pupil who has written their own adaptation of the classic song called, 'On the buses'. A nod towards the 70's sitcom, Hayden had brought it entirely up to date and asked us if we could help him bring his video ideas to life.
We knew Hurstmere had a well loved mini bus which was now just gathering dust, as it hadn't worked for years, so we decided to give it a new lease of life by covering the windows in green! Using green screen technology enabled us to produce Hayden's music video, giving him and his friends the best fun during their very own film shoot. We literally took them on an around the world journey!
With credit to Hayden for adapting and writing the song 'On the buses'; Studio-Fix for recording and producing the song; Hurstmere's Year 7 Media Team for filming; end2end TV for editing. ©HurstmereSchool

Well done to the Hurstmere Year 7 Media Team. 🎬🎥 They have had various filming opportunities this term & are learning fast! Well done team! 🙌
