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Woop! Celebrating Young People!

Our first e2e TV Club #1 has now been running for 7 weeks and it's time to pause for a moment. Our intention at end2end TV CIC is to give young people innovative, inclusive, hands on film making experiences - where children can learn by doing, supported by their peers.

WOW! We really are proud of everyone. Our new club members have now experienced various strands of TV Production in our introductory course; starting with Studio & Control Room sessions. We then moved onto stepping through research skills, location shooting, including a night shoot practicing interview skills, learning more about HD ENG Cameras and wireless sound, video editing and sound mixing. It has been brilliant seeing them develop each week, immersing themselves into TV Production roles and having fun, as well as learning lots!

They have been supported by the e2e Crew, who whilst are not new to instructing their peers have taken on a new role instructing in TV and film skills.

"Our e2e Instructors are working with the students now on advanced techniques, and are developing into highly skilled tutors with an expert knowledge of technology." Peter Barrett e2e TV Director

We are passionate about children finding their individual voice, so who better to help us celebrate that than by hearing from one of the team.

"e2e TV Club is a great experience for both the crew and students. Everyone who takes part encounters what it means to be apart of a greater team, as well as learning new skills through the art of doing and having fun."

Dan is one of our senior crew members working towards his Gold Arts Award

We are really looking forward to getting back in the Studio & Control Room next week to see the children bring their ideas to life in a live mixed TV Programme.

"It's exciting seeing our first club members developing new technical skills in our practical TV Production sessions, supported by their peers. We have created a cycle of learning where both groups are working towards different levels of Arts Award, whilst having fun as a team. It's fast paced and I can't wait to see their final creation take shape!" Lorraine Smith e2e TV Director
e2e TV Club #1 Autumn Term
e2e TV Club #1 Autumn Term


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end2end TV CIC (not for profit)

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